Friday, April 17, 2009

I Made it to Camp

I finally made it to Turkey Camp. It was 62F outside and 50F inside, so I turned on the attic fan, opened the windows and came out on the front porch. I was met with two hens out in the far pasture, so I grabbed the binos and started glassing. They're coming and going out of the tree line.

While I was waiting to see them again, I set up the laptop on the shooting bench, put up the string between the tin cans and tried to get a signal and here I am.

The kids don't show until tomorrow night. Season starts Saturday, but I figured I could be bored at camp just as easy as home. The rain cleared out this morning. We'll have lows in the mid 40's and highs in the 70's until the storms come back on Sunday.

Gentlemen, the sun just came out, and there's a patch of dandelions over by the maple that look like they have not been properly napped on. Y'all have a good afternoon.


You'll never guess what woke me up. Some gobbler called fairly close, but I never got a chance to see where. I needed to get up anyway; the turkey buzzards were circling. That's one aspect of country living I have never been able to fully feel comfortable with. Oh well.

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