8 Pointer |

OK. Here's a question from a frustrated guy who's hunted several years without consistent success, for all of you guys that seem to have the best luck, year in and year out:
If you could give your best tip or tips for how you locate & harvest a big buck every year (or at least consistently), what would that tip be? And I mean -- not your normal average tips that everyone has heard before -- such as topo maps, scent control, funnels, hunt a place that has big bucks, etc. I mean what is your true secret weapon to FINDING and HARVESTING big bucks? (Without the aid of trail cameras)
Thought this might be informative for some of us.
__________________If you could give your best tip or tips for how you locate & harvest a big buck every year (or at least consistently), what would that tip be? And I mean -- not your normal average tips that everyone has heard before -- such as topo maps, scent control, funnels, hunt a place that has big bucks, etc. I mean what is your true secret weapon to FINDING and HARVESTING big bucks? (Without the aid of trail cameras)
Thought this might be informative for some of us.
My tips to consistently getting decent bucks sound stupid, but here it goes:
1) Scout out where the largest concentration of deer reside in your hunting area and put up a stand and wait. That sounds stupid, but a large number of guys spend too much time at home and not in the woods. They choose their stand sites improperly, hunt where the deer aren't. They don't see anything and get impatient.
2) Don't stink up the place. I'm always amazed at guys who reek of cigarette smoke telling me they don't see anything. Segregate your hunting clothes. Be fastidious (nothing fancy-- I just use sodium bicarb) .
3) Slip in quietly and don't make a lot of noise. Sit quietly and don't move around a lot.
4) Dress appropriately. If you get too cold you'll move around too much (there goes #3) If you get too hot, you'll sweat (there goes #2)
5) Keep it simple. Use a minimum amount of gear and a minimum amount of gimmicks (calls, scents, decoys, etc.)
6) They will come if you give them a chance. If you want a biggun, hold out for a biggun. Don't cop out and take a doe.
If you're seeing doe and small bucks on a regular basis the big guys will eventually show up too. In 2003, I passed on a 120-class buck, shot a 130-class buck and then nearly stepped on his 170-class big brother the last day of season, while I was out walking the dog.
Lastly and this is the most stupid of all: Do not attempt to buy anything that you think will improve your chances at getting a big deer. So many folks go to the store and try to use a piece of merchandise to substitute for proper scouting, good hygiene, long waits in the stand, and proper shot placement.
1) The guy who told me he'd bought a 300 WIN MAG, because he hadn't had time to practice shooting much, and wanted something more powerful to make a marginal shot pay off.
2) The guy who told me he used Tinks 69 in vast quantities, because he didn't have time to scout and this way the deer would come to him.
3) The guy that hunts next door to me that hunts from his quad and does all his scouting on Opening Day.
4) The guy who smells of cigars, BO, and beer who thinks he can hide it all with a $200 Scent-lok suit and spritz of his $20/bottle miracle juice.
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