It must be working. Mooseboy had the M1 Garand out this weekend, taking his last practice prior to the start of KY Yute Season. Here were the results:

That was his first offhand target at 50 yards. I think Mooseboy was made for a 10.5 lb battle rifle, and vice-versa. This was using the standard 165 grain/ H4895 load for the Garand, substituing Hornady Interlock SP for the FMJ.
I also cleaned up the Garand considerably. Since the last time Moose' saw his new interim deer rifle, I added an oiled leather sling and went at the stock with 0000 steel wool, wood cleaner, and paste wax. The stock went from murky and black to a rich brown with honey highlights. I also bought him a few 5-round clips.
I hope all the deer rifles get the hint and are on their best behavior in the coming months.
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