Supercore brought a couple of candidate shotguns, but neither had the right stuff. Then he mentioned that he had a
I lent him a bunch of books, including Ray Eye's
Practical Turkey Hunting Strategies: How to Hunt Effectively Under Any Conditions
I also gave him the DVD of T&TH last year, all 7 issues for supplemental reading.
We watched my VHS copy of J. Wayne Fears Hunting the Wild Turkey-- it's been out of print for probably 20 years, but it's still the best beginning turkey hunting tape out there. I raised two sons on that tape.
He also walked away with some Ben Lee cassettes and Spittin Feathers 1 and 3, a Dixie Darling box call and a Quaker Boy pot call, all on loan.
Then we hit Bass Pro. I wanted to make sure SuperCore had at least a couple of easy mouth calls, and a crow call and some box chalk. There weren't any big bargains on the other stuff, but I was able to show him things like choke tubes and sights and such, so it was not a huge waste. Honestly, I think he may be better off talking to Heirloom Turkey Call -- the prices aren't that far off from all this blister-packed industrial stuff, and he'll end up with better calls.
We had a good time at the ammo display, comparing prices between Remington Nitro-Mags and Hevi-Shot. Then I mentioned Nitros. It didn't sink in at first that I was talking about $7/round ammo.
For additional gear, I've recommended Of course, I'm going to recommend that he eschew a vest and go for the $14 shamanic turkey bag from
I figure the next step is some early pre-season scouting in a month or so-- get him out right about the time the gobblers first start sounding off in the morning. By then, he'll have at least an idea from the tapes and such what he's seeing and hearing.
So what else do I need to cover? SuperCore is lurking here. Your advice is welcome.
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