Monday, November 16, 2009

Report from Deer Camp III

Angus and I went out to Midway-- the new mega-blind for the evening. At last light a buck and a herd of doe came out, but it was too dark and too far away to chance a shot. The rack on this boy was pretty small. I think I saw them all earlier in the day. SuperCore walked in with a zilch.

While we were all sitting round the fire out back, we saw a flashlight dancing around one of the pastures. I went to investigate. A nice husband/wife couple had gotten lost on one of the neighboring leases-- like about 5 miles lost. They'd been wandering in the dark for about 90 minutes and saw our light. We all sat around and chatted for a while, and then we took them to their car over on the next ridge. We then hit Roosters for dinner-- want to throw out a big howdy to y'all that stopped by the D&DH table.

The general talk: so far nothing but small 8 pointers and less. A lot of people have gotten tired of waiting and taken a doe. The big guys are still being elusive. We're seeing a lot of chasing going on, but it feels like the rut still hasn't peaked around these parts.


shaman said...

Last night we went out to Midway again. SuperCore had another nice fat doe in his sights, but couldn't pull the trigger--he'd had enough fun for one day. All told, I think we saw half a dozen before it got too dark. At one point I pulled out the calls and gave a serenade to see what I could turn up. I had a lot of responses to bleats, blats, and some grunts, but nothing made it out of the treelines before dark.

Oh well.


shaman said...

We're breaking camp for now. Both SuperCore and I have appointments in town, but expect to be out. SuperCore is going first to the store to buy a new freezer. The heat has been most uncommon for November, and until this weather breaks, I don't think our luck will change.

I had what I thought was a doe in my sights this morning, but it turned out to be a spike buck. SuperCore saw nothing. There was almost no shooting.