Here is my MYSPACE entry
Later in the day, I got this:
We had to remove an image (or images) from your account because they violated our Terms of Use. Our site is for people as young as 13, so we can't have certain kinds of pics (nude/sexually explicit, violence, material protected by copyright). Find out more about content we don’t allow at If you continue to violate our Terms, we may be forced to remove your account. If you find an image which you feel is in violation of our Terms, please feel free to use the 'report image' link below the image. Thanks for your understanding. MySpace Safety & Security
As best as I can tell, this is the picture they're talking about:

It's really odd, because not only did they only delete this one, they kept identical pics of Angus with his doe, taken from the same meat pole, Moose's earlier trophy pics taken in previous years from the same meat pole and a host of other pictures with us posed next to other deer.
I have asked for a full explanation of why this picture was yanked and the specific guidelines under which those pictures were censored.
UPDATE: When I went to post a similar notice just now on MYSPACE, I found they'd also yanked a comment in which I'd referenced my PICASA Web Albums:
Come on, guys! I'm a deer hunter of 25+years. I have two sons I'm bringing along. Expect some dead deer, huh? It may be icky to you, but to us it's dinner.
1 comment:
Time to go to, my friend! Or, or - a number of social network sites for us hunters. I deleted my myspace account because they couldn't censor the stuff that should have been censored and now that I know they delete stuff that shouldn't be deleted, I'm glad I deleted my account.
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