From 24HourCampfire
Poster: Simoneaud
Subject: Re: what calls to use and when??
I made my first turkey hunt this past weekend. had great success, but I find that I don't know what calls to use and when to use them. I bought a Primos Spring Hen box call and it makes all the hen sounds and I can make them good with this call, I find I sound just like turkeys do, but I don't know what call to start with and then once a Tom or Hen answers, what calls to use to talk back.
at one location I setup on a green field with my 2 decoys and started yelping, I had a tom come up to 60yds and then just hung up there and would never come out, then he shut up and stayed there until I walked out 1 hour later, I saw him run off.
thanks for any advice you can give me -js
I don't know if this will be of any use, but from what you said, you may have stated what needed to be done yourself.
There was you, the decoys, and the gobbler. The gobbler was at 60 yards. If it had been the decoys, then you, then the gobbler things might have been different.
Always try to position yourself between the decoys and the gobbler whenever possible. In this way, the gobbler will come past you on his way to the hens. The hens act as a distraction and will keep his attention focused.
When I'm hunting pastures and fields, I often times put my decoys in the tall weeds at the edge, rather than out in the middle. It obscures the decoys and makes the gobbler want to come closer to the edge. With a light breeze, and some cover, you get shadows playing off them and they look more alive than otherwise.
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