Joaquin Jackson is on the NRA Board of Directors
Joaquin Jackson on YouTube
And here's the lame damage control from the NRA/ILA
NRA-ILA response
Here's what I sent to the NRA's Ed Land:
Dear Ed:
I just got done watching Joaquin Jackson's meltdown on YouTube. What sort of freaking drugs is that moron doing?
1) He says he does not believe assault weapons belong in the hands of private citizens, without making clear what he defines as an assault weapon.
2) He says that firearms for hunting should be limited to a maximum of 5 rounds. There go about half my hunting rifles, including my M1 Garand.
I also read the NRA-ILA's lame attempt at damage control. Excuse me, but the damage is already done. Jackson in less that 5 minutes managed to do more damage to the NRA than Brady and Co. have been able to inflict in 20 years. I call for the immediate expulsion of Joaquin Jackson from the NRA.
Joaquin Jackson can go play Brokeback Mountain with Jim Zumbo at a dinner theatre for all I care, but I don't want him representing my NRA.
Just to show you how much I care, I was planning on paying for my wife and two of my sons to join the NRA as life members this year in order to help fund the war chest for the 2008 campaign. Forget it. I'll donate to an organization that really respects my right to keep and bear the arms I choose. You'll get ZERO money from me until Joaquin Jackson has been removed from the NRA. Don't think that just letting him sit out his term until the end of the year will satisfy me. This guy needs to go. The NRA needs to show what they are made of.

Let me just leave you with a picture. It's my 15 yr old Son, Moose, and his doe from the 2006 KY Yute Hunt. That's a DCMP M1 Garand in his hand. In case you gents have been off this planet so long you have forgotten it sports an 8-round Enblock. Is that what the NRA wants to stamp out? According to Joaquin Jackson it is.
(The shaman)
NRA Life Member
Here's a great caption for this pic:
"I WAS going to be the NRA. . .
. . . but then my DAD told me some wingnut on the board of directors was bloviating about wiping out assault weapons and limiting hunting rifles to only 5 rounds. I say ' SCREW THAT!!! Joaquin Jackson and his kind can pull this M1 Garand out of my cold dead hands!' Out of my cold dead hands, Mister Jackson!!!"
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